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Preservation for the People !


We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the historic buildings and places of our small New Jersey city. We believe that historic preservation is creative, collaborative, and futuristic work that can create jobs, improve the quality of life, and promote environmental justice and economic reinvestment. We are committed to working with all members of our community, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background, to build a more vibrant and sustainable future for our city.

CHABA believes that historic preservation can be a powerful tool for economic development, environmental protection, and social justice. We envision a future where historic preservation is used to create vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive communities, and are committed to working with our socially creative partners to create a more equitable future for all.


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Become a member to help support our mission.


Acerca de CHABA


CHABA's Spanish translation of the District's Historic Guidelines was the FIRST in the state of New Jersey, and won an Historic Preservation Award in 2014. ASK FOR THEM at the Community Development Office!


Our 'HomeFronts' workshops--designed to teach repair skills--and our hands-on help to home- and business-owners are unique and signature parts of our services to the community.

Para nosotros, la conservación no se trata sólo de exteriores bonitos. Se trata de vecindarios seguros, vibrantes y sustentables con grandes historias que contar. Se trata de construir mejores comunidades mediante la creación de espacios creativos y prácticos. Conectamos a personas entre sí, en todas las regiones y disciplinas, para ayudar a mejorar la economía, las perspectivas laborales, la educación y el medio ambiente.


Brindamos capacitación gratuita y las herramientas y la información que las personas necesitan para hacer que las casas antiguas funcionen para las familias nuevas. Eliminamos el factor miedo de las revisiones de la Comisión del Distrito Histórico. Si necesita uno, incluso lo acompañaremos, ¡gratis!

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"Es una historia que vale la pena salvar.
Es una historia que vale la pena compartir.
Es NUESTRA historia.
Y todavía importa."


Suscríbete para más en YouTube!

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